Sunday, August 21, 2011

penat berbicara hal yang same..


Saya tak buat perkara itu,yaa...jujur saya tak buat..Tapi kau ulang sepuluh kali pon orang tak nak percaya walau lima sen pon.Then u need to repeat the same thing.Penat tak kau rase??

Aku adalah seoarng insan yg tak suke mengulangi bnde yg same.I mean when i talk to someone,bla..bla...bla....then die akan bg feedback...after 2 second,die akan repeat lagi soalan yg telah pon aku bg jawapan kt die.Currently ,aku dalam keadaan tersebut dan sampai sekarang aku rasa nak demam because pening melayan kerenah beliau di mana i need to repeat and explain a same answer.

If i'm honest ,beliau said don't make up a story,if i lies beliau akan jwb u're big liar..So what should i do now??If i silent ,beliau said i'm scared to face with a risk then when i throw one word to beliau then beliau akan ckp me are rude:(

Im tired being so long like this.I try to make anyone happy even though my self not enough happy.I try to explain to beliau that i'm honest really honest.Then beliau panjang2kan cerita.At last i repeat the same thing guys!! Gue capet bangat !!

Ouch..please...i need a doctor,call me doctor,,,,i need a doctor,doctor bring me to life:)Memang aku tgh hidup pon sekarang,Kan nanti ade yg tnye kalau aku tak hidup,habis tu sape yg taip entry ni???Meeoowww jawabkan:*).

Kalau the same situation happen to u guys.Let me share with u some tips how to settle down this matter:

  1. Slow talk.Bukan cakap tahap volume 2 tapi cakap penuh sopan.Try to clear this thing.U need to give an explaination ringkas dan berisi.
  2. Try to communicate face to face.If u just send text ,bnde ni takkan menjernihkan keadaan tp makin melarat-larat sbb kadang 2 kalau dalam keadaan mood /emosi tak stable kau akan text yg bukan2,Ye la org tgh marah.Nanti nak text ayt lain tp tersalah text bnde lain.Bnde mcm ni menimbulkan salah faham
  3. Don't too serious.If kau dalam keadaan marah sekalipon ,tp boleh selitkan unsur2 funny ke,buat lawak yg sumpah tak lawak ke.Jangan biarkan keadaan menjadi semakin keruh but try to clear this matter.
Dan sekarang aku belum jumpa solusinya and how to solve the matter.Gua capet..

Bye..thanx for reading;

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